Shared Meal

We shared an evening meal together. This included passing round the bread and wine in an act of communion. We concluded with a time when we committed ourselves to Jesus Christ, to serving Him in the village, and to each other.

Baptism at Seaford

We went down on Friday evening from South Nutfield Free Church. We then had a prayer meeting, and went to stay in the homes of our hosts from Seaford church.

On Saturday morning we went down to find the seaside baptismal spot. The beach looked steep and stony and the weather rough.

In the afternoon we went down again to the sea in a convoy of 8-9 cars. The sea had gone out revealing beautiful sand, and the sun come out for the first time in ages.

The church elders, Ken and Phil, baptised 6 of us in the sea: Ed, Ali, Jane, Andy, Sue and Ian.

On Sunday morning we had a time of worship and praise to Jesus. The ministry that morning said that Christians are no longer subject to trying to do the Law, but have died and are alive again in a love relationship with Jesus. Because we love him we want to do what he wants.

There was more ministry from Terry Virgo in the afternoon. God loves us as we are. We should develop this love with Jesus more and more, and enjoy everything around us, because it is from God.

Welcome to Phil Stone

We welcomed Phil and Chris Stone and baby Marc to live in the Manse and share in the leadership of the church. Phil has spent three years at bible college, and works in insurance in London. He also writes and plays Christian music, and has been a youth worker. Phil has already visited to preach a number of times last year.

Today before a packed church, Phil Stone was appointed to the Eldership of the church. Five people laid hands on Phil and prayed for him. These were Mr A. Howick and Mr R. La Trobe, previous pastors, to show the continuity of the work; Revd.S Wakeling, from Christchurch, as an act of unity with all Christians; Mr Ken Sheppard, who will be sharing the responsibilities; and Mr Phil Rogers.

Phil Rogers called for all Christians in the Village to share their one Lord and one faith in love.

Mounting up with wings like eagles

In a prayer group at Jane’s house, we prayed for about an hour and were all getting tired and about to pack up. Bert then said something in a tongue. He said somebody knew the meaning. It was me. This verse kept going through my mind. I was shaking all over but didn’t say anything. Then Jane’s mum said exactly the same verse.
They that wait upon the Lord
Shall renew their strength
They shall mount up with wings like eagles
They shall run and not be weary
They shall walk and not faint

After that point we rested in God’s strength.

Come Together

A group of us from the Free Church went to St. Mary’s Parish Church in Reigate to take part in the ‘Come Together’ musical. It has been performed in lots of places in the USA and the UK and uses modern music, narration, and audience participation, to bring people together, first to worship and praise, and then to move to help each other, and then there is an invitation for people who don’t know Jesus to ask him into their life.

Rodney’s last service

Rodney La Trobe led his last service at the church this Easter Day with a communion service.

Rodney has been here since 1969, and has had a great influence in the village particularly in his work with young people – setting up Jucos, Covenanters, a youth club, and bible study groups. He took us on lots of outings and adventures in the second hand cars he sold. He would sometimes take us Covenanters to the caves behind his parents shop in Reigate where we would set up candles in the alcoves and play football underground. He also took us go-karting on an unused road circuit, and built a railway circuit in the loft above the vestry. I remember in particular a khaki coloured Mini Moke and how we used to sing…

‘Oh you’ll never get to heaven
in Rodney’s car.
Cause Rodney’s car
won’t get that far’

The song had many verses we would make up. The only other I remember was ‘….Rodney’s van… is in a jam.’

First Bible Study

I went to the first bible study led by Rodney this evening. There was only Malcolm and me there so I felt a bit embarrassed not more boys from Covenanters had come along.

Steven Ashby was killed in a motorcycle accident. He was a prefect when I started at Albury Manor and went on the same coach. His brother still comes to Albury Manor.

Pauline Filby kept away by fog

Mr Filby played his guitar and sang at the evening service today. His wife Pauline Filby is a professional singer who was meant to perform but she could not return from Holland because of fog at the airport.

This is from Mrs Filby’s latest LP and is called A Day.

Not Lukewarm

We go to Nutfield Evangelical Free Church. Mr Howick is the pastor and Mrs Leadbetter plays the organ. Mr Ashdown who is over 90 and a bit deaf sits at the back and welcomes people. Mr Shepherd reads the notices and makes some jokes.

There were about 15 people here this morning and Mr Howick preached on a verse from Revelation. ‘Because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth.’

Mr Howick said his wife cooks very good rice pudding but he likes it best when it is piping hot, not lukewarm. He said God wants us to be like that for him, real Christians all week long not just people who come to church every Sunday.